Ransen 書について
I was 4 years old when I started learning Japanese calligraphy.
When I entered the classroom on the second floor of the teacher's house with my red calligraphy set, the first thing I was taught was to open the sliding door, sit as seiza on the floor, and greet the teacher with a bow.
I think I learned not only letters but also manners and etiquette, such as seasonal words, how to wrap sweets in Japanese paper, New Year's decorations, and how to fold a traditional crape wrapper for celemony.
From Hiragana and Katakana to Kanji (Chinese characters) in standard script, running script, cursive script, and classical Japanese calligraphy. When I was a university student, I started learning kana characters and received a master's diploma.
I was given the courtesy name Ransen.
漢字の起源と言われる甲骨文字が、中国夏王朝・殷王朝の遺跡から発見されたのは約3300年前。 神と人とを繋ぐ言葉として、亀の甲羅や牛の骨、青銅器に刻まれた表意文字。甲骨文字から金文、篆書、草書、行書、楷書と変化していきます。 仏教の伝来と共に奈良時代頃日本に伝わり、日本語の音を合わせた万葉仮名となり、平安時代にはひらがなが使われるようになりました。 江戸時代まで、変体仮名やくずし字が使われていましたが、明治時代にひらがな一音に一文字ずつ50音に定められました。 漢字は中国では簡体字となり、古来の形をとどめているのは台湾や日本だけとなっています。
甲骨文字で漢字を、英語圏やヨーロッパ語圏の人に説明すると、意味を深く理解してもらえることがあります。 古の人が文字に込めた意味や想いは、人種や国籍を超えて通じ合うことがあります。 また、ひらがなが生まれた平安時代の古今和歌集は、紀貫之による「やまとうたは、人の心を種として、万の言の葉とぞなれりける」の言葉で始まります。そして、和歌こそが天地を動かし、人の心を和らげ慰めるものとしています。 表意文字としての漢字の起源である甲骨文字や、日本語の音を美しく表現しているひらがなと和歌の世界、その奥深さや楽しさを分かち合いたいと思っています。
After graduating from college, I studied abroad in France, so I took a break from calligraphy.
In 2018, I encountered ancient script art, and I am working to express it artistically by learning Ancient Characters from Shizuka Shirakawa's script theory at Tanyougumi.
The oracle bone script, said to be the origin of Chinese characters, was discovered about 3,300 years ago in the ruins of the Xia and Shang dynasties in China.
These ideograms were carved on turtle shells, cattle bones, and bronze vessels as a language connecting gods and humans. From the bone script, the ideograms were transformed into golden script, seal script, cursive script, running script, and standard script.
With the arrival of Buddhism, it was introduced to Japan around the Nara period (710-794) and became Manyogana, a combination of Japanese sounds, and in the Heian period (794-1185), Hiragana came into use.
Until the Edo period (1603-1867), variant kana characters were used, but during the Meiji period (1868-1912), the Japanese syllabary was defined as 50 syllables, one for each hiragana syllable.
Kanji characters have been simplified in China, and only Taiwan and Japan retain their ancient forms.
When Kanji characters in Ancient script are explained to people from overseas, they may have a deeper understanding of the meaning.
The meanings and thoughts that ancient people put into letters can be communicated beyond race and nationality.
The Kokin Waka Shu (Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) from the Heian period (794-1185), in which hiragana was created, begins with the words "Yamato-uta" is the seed of human hearts, and can become the leaves of ten thousand words. The waka poems are the ones that move heaven and earth, and soothe and comfort people's hearts.
We would like to share with you the depth and joy of the world of waka and hiragana, which beautifully expresses the sounds of the Japanese language, as well as the Ancient characters script, the origin of kanji as ideograms.